Lisa was afraid
- script for an HTML5 literary experiment -
by Iulia M Comsa
Chapter 1: Click me
Lisa was afraid.
It was getting dark
and she was too small
to reach the light switch.
From another spacetime,
someone found the lamp in one
of the rooms, and clicked it...
Lisa was only five years old,
but it was not the dark
that she was afraid of.
She was afraid that
her life might just be
someone's dream.
like a snowflake...
But she didn't
know who the
Dreamer could be.
Would he know that
he is dreaming the world?
Could he hear Lisa's thoughts,
or was he oblivious?
Lying on the sofa, Lisa
dreamed of finding the Dreamer
when she would grow up...
Lisa thought that keeping
the lights on would prevent
the Dreamer from waking up.
She knew that
her thoughts
were not rational.
But whenever it was dark,
her heart would start
beating like crazy...
Lisa's weird thoughts might
have been the effect of the
peculiar house she lived in.
When her parents were away,
things floated through rooms
She even had
trouble finding
her socks...
Chapter 2: The flower pot
As Lisa grew up,
she forgot
about the Dreamer.
She learned to read.
She loved reading
She loved to
write stories.
She used the fountain pen
her parents got her
for her 11th birthday..
And she played the guitar.
She wanted to be, someday,
in a shoegaze indie band...
Lisa was a happy
and dreamy girl.
On her 16th birthday, she
planted her dreams in a pot.
They grew into a flower...
Sometimes, when it was dark,
she felt a bit of anxiety, though
she never stopped to wonder why.
But France is a sunny
country, and the sunlight
always blurred her fears...
Chapter 3: The spaceship
The music was loud.
The crowd was cheering.
- Hi, can I join you?
- Yes.
- What's your name?
- Lisa... yours?
The music was loud.
The crowd was cheering.
The moon was waning.
Denis was blond and tall
and a photo was all that
Lisa had from him.
That, and the
And the stars they watched
on the grass at a postrock
concert in Germany.
And the pencil he used to draw
her a spaceship, in which they
would fly across the universe...
There are 10 million
people in the Czech
But it takes just one
to fall in love
with the whole land.
Every week, Lisa would
get a letter from Denis and
would send him a letter back.
Between them, unforgiving,
was Germany, the sweet
land where they had met.
Lisa's room was
full of bohemian
Chapter 4: The tree
One day, Lisa
went for a walk
in the park.
She found a fallen comet
on a bench, and, merciful,
took it with her.
But the comet was cunning,
and it needed water
to survive.
It enchanted Lisa,
and its icy tail turned
into a silvery vapour.
Lisa inhaled it, and the vapour
filled her kidney, and soaked
all the water inside it.
Then Lisa fainted from
the pain and her parents
called the doctor...
The kidney stones kept
Lisa in bed for a month,
under anesthetics.
She slept all day
and her mind
The lights were going away
and the Dreamer could
wake up any moment now.
Who was the Dreamer, whom
Lisa had long ago forgot, and
whom the pain had brought back?
All was evanescent,
like a snowflake...
Then Lisa
'Don't wake me up', he had
whispered, as they were
lying on the German grass.
Could Denis
have been
the Dreamer?
Then the painkillers
kicked in again, and
the time stopped...
When she finally got better,
Lisa had only one wish.
She wanted to go East.
She needed to see
Denis again.
But he had stopped
writing while she
was ill.
Lisa took her kidney stones
and planted them in the garden
and they grew into a tree...
Its seeds would
grow and the wind
would fly them East.
Across the land of Germany,
to the blond Czech Dreamer.
To the waning
moon and stars...
Chapter 5: Tic-tac-toe
Then the world
grew up,
with Lisa.
She tried to
find herself
Her fears grew bigger,
but she covered them
with clouds...
Lisa was happy.
Her white dress was
lovely and her English
husband was thoughtful.
And not a single thought
of hers was related to
the Czech Republic.
She had learned to play
tic-tac-toe with life,
and she was winning...
And when the world crumbled
again, and everyone left,
she tried to call her parents.
But she couldn't find
heaven's phone number.
So she stood by the phone
every day, hoping
they would call her...
Chapter 6: The Dreamer
Then she forgot whose
call she was waiting for.
She forgot why
she was alone.
She forgot what the flower
in the pot was made of.
It had started withering...
Then she remembered
she wanted to go East.
But she couldn't
remember why.
Lisa was afraid.
It was getting dark
and she had forgotten
where the light switch was.
Then someone turned
off the lamp...
Lisa went to sleep.
It was dark now
and she didn't remember
anything anymore.
But then she
And she closed her
old, wrinkled eyes.
Lisa was not afraid
The Dreamer was
ready to wake up.
The end